Wine Kuban

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        Taman wine plants

Anapa wine plants

Krimsk wine plants

Abrau-Durso champagne plant

Sauk-Dere wine plant


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                                   Taman wine plants.

    Wine plant "Severnie Sadi" ("North Gardens" ). It was founded in 1962. At that time  the estate was called the collective state "Komsomolskii". The name was posted on the  building which was typical for wine plants of Krasnodarskii krai. From 1962 to 1991 the  enterprise produced champagne and dry wine materials together with dessert, collectional and  ordinary wines. The specialization of the estate had been changed since 1991. The  vineyards  Severnie Sadi are located in the northen part of Taman peninsula. The exceeding  number of  vinigar in dry wine materials is the real discovery for the cognac production. The  nature itself  prompted the wine makers to start producing cognac and cognac alcohols in  Severnie Sadi.
    Distillation and storing of the first party of cognac was done in 1991. Cognac gets  matured  very slowly. The wine plant started filling the bottles in 1997. The cognac was  named after  Temruk city. A special technology was designed for its production. This  technology uses 4-5  years cognac.
    Severnie Sadi is a young company which produces cognac. But there is an advantage in it.  To present an absolutely new trade mark in the market is a very complicated deal. That is  why the wine makers decided to be committed to have highly qualified product. There are 2  units for distillation of cognac alcohol on the plant now. It is possible that these units are the  best ones of all existing. The units are designed so that their copper parts do not contact  with  the iron ones which means that the alcohol is of really high quality. As the result the  cognac  drinks contain 62 - 70 %% of alcohol.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.









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