Wine Kuban

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Taman wine plants

Anapa wine plants

Krimsk wine plants

Abrau-Durso champagne plant

Sauk-Dere wine plant


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                             Krimslii raion wine companies.

    Vine state farm Sauk - Dere is the undoubtable leader among wine companies of  Krimskii raion.

    The state farm "Gornii" was founded in 1949 and is located in a picturesque place at  the beginning of Caucasus ranges. That is why this location is called "small Switzerland".  The state has 2 wine plants which process the grapes and produce mature wines. Wine  materials of this state are very popular, they are being used by other plants for their wine  production.   The state wine plants use the materials themselves: they make natural wines  Pino, Aligote, Cabernet, Rkatsiteli and special wines - Cahors 32, Anapa strong.  Specialists of the wine plants together with the specialists of wine making department of  Kuban state politechnical University designed new types of wines: "Soft season", "Blessing",  "A Holy Hand".

    Krimskii wine company is the enterprise which bottles ordinary and fizzy wines, vodka  and liqueur drinks. The production is highly valued and highly demanded. It has many  rewards. In 1998 a new working shop was built for champagne production. The new   technologies and new types of wines are being designed in the company.

    The wine company "Dzemchug" produces high quality wine materials and wines  (strong original "Izabel" and dry natural original "Pearl Izabel"). The wines are produced  from grapes which are grown by the company.


  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.









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