Wine Kuban

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The main sorts of grapes which are being grown on Kuban for wine production.

    Nowadays more than 200 sorts of grapes are being grown in Kuban region. The most  popular sorts are: 
     Cabernet. It is the best - known black grape. This sort became popular due to the  wines produced in French Province Bordeaux. It is being grown now everywhere including  Kuban. It is undoubtably the number one sort. It is interesting that the juice of the grapes  from this sort are colourless, that is why it is possible to make white wine from sort too.  Colourless and slightly pink high quality champagne wine materials are produced here with the  help of quick pressing Cabernet - Sovinjon grapes. They are being added into combination  of other grapes (their percentage is 10 - 20) to improve champagne.  The best Kuban wines  of this sort are not worse than the French ones. They are distinguished by their noble,  tender taste and exclusively refined bouquet.
    Shardone. Shardone is considered to be the best sort of grapes in France from which  they produce white Burgundia wines together with 2 sorts of black grapes and shapmain.  Shardone is known number 1 white sort. Nevertheless in Russia it wasn't well spread, for  Shardone harvest here is not so high. But it is impossible to ignore it where the quality is  valued and not the amount. It is being grown and used in Krasnodarskii krai for producing  high quality champagne wine materials. The climate conditions of Abrau-Durso make it  possible to get wine materials which surpass the quality of the analogical ones in the  Province Champagne itself.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.








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