Wine Kuban

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The main sorts of grapes which are being grown on Kuban for wine production.

    Izabella. Izabella is among the first American sorts of grapes which were transported to  Europe. The sort is known for the big amount of its harvest and its resistance to freeze.  Izabella growers in Georgia mainly on the Black sea coast, in Azerbaijan, Dagestan,  Krasnodarskii krai and Moldavia. It is hardy and that is why it grows on the south  everywhere. Red wines with characteristic strawberry taste, slightly coloured and meant for  immediate usage are being produced from this sort of grape. Everywhere in Kuban Izabella  is used for the production of excellent wines.  
    Muscat pink. Muscat pink is a sort of white Muscat. Even though the amount of Muscat  pink harvest is not so high it is compensated by the high quality wines produced from it. The  sort possesses a wonderful ability to concentrate sugar. Only dessert wines and liqueur  drinks are being made from Muscat pink.
    Many different dessert Muscat wines are being produced in Krasnodarskii krai. More  often these are light harmonic wines with well expressed Muscat fragrance.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.








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