wine plants
Anapa wine plants
Krimsk wine plants
Abrau-Durso champagne plant
Sauk-Dere wine plant
companies of Anapa region and Novorossiisk.
Dry wines "Semigor" are produced
according to classical schemes with the fermentation taking
place in wooden vats. Careful attitude towards traditions and the
art of wine makers let to restore the technology of production
of matured wines. "Semigor"
trade mark is the collection of natural vine, matured, ordinary,
special, mixed, dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet wines
uniting 9 types of white, pink and red wines which are bottled
in Bordeaux classic 0,7 L. The matured
natural "Semigor" wines have the biggest value. Shardone Semigor - is white dry
natural wine matured for 2 years and made exclusively out of
Shardone sort of grapes. Cabernet
Semigor - is red dry natural wine matured for 3 years and made
exclusively out of Cabernet sort of grapes collected and processed
in a classical way. It is matured only in oak barrels. It
is of surprisingly refined soft taste with the pleasant astringent
and light morocco tones. Muscat
Semigor - is white semi-sweet natural wine matured for 2 years
and made exclusively out of Muscat sort of grapes. Made in
a classical way. It has a tender Muscat fragrance and citrus
taste. Troitskoe Semigor - is
red semi-sweet mixed natural wine matured for 2 years and made
from red sorts of grapes. Dar Startsa
Semigor (The gift of a wise man) - is pink semi-sweet mixed
natural wine matured for 2 years and made from combination of white
and red sorts of grapes.
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