Wine Kuban

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Taman wine plants

Anapa wine plants

Krimsk wine plants

Abrau-Durso champagne plant

Sauk-Dere wine plant



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             Wine companies of Anapa region and Novorossiisk.

    Agricultural company "Vitis". The green Semigorje valley spread in the shape of a  bowl on the territory between Anapa resort and Novorossiisk. The tender southern Sun  warms it 300 days a year. Protected by mountains and washed by the Black sea waters  this  generous soil is created as if for wine making specially. In 1937 a small wine making  farm  was founded on the territory of Semigorje. Everything was hand-made there  according to traditional technology.
    They gained experience and improved methods. The business grew and by the middle of  the 70th the farm turned into wine plant with the amount of up to 5 thousand tons of grapes  a year. In 1978 a technical reorganization took place at Semigorje. As the result of it the  plant become the Agricultural company "Vitis", which is well known now over the country.
    The agricultural company "Vitis" built in Semigorje the plant winch bottles wines. In 1997  the company started the line for frizzy wines. The company rented in Semigorje 700  hectares of land to grow high quality grapes and creating its own raw material base.
    The  agricultural company "Vitis" produces only natural wines marked "Semigor". Wines  marked  "Semigor" are getting matured only in natural barrels which doesn't let the wines to  be  oxidized. The company possesses modern equipment. Wine filtration is being done  through  French CUNO filters. The elements for filtration are: Zeta-plus and Microclean.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.








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