Wine Kuban

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                    The history of wine making on the South of Russia

    By the end of the 19th century the military actions on Caucasus ended up. And the  wine  making started to develop on a different level. In 1867 by the highest Order  of  Emperor a  special large vineyard/winemaking estate was founded in the  area of  Novorossiisk city  named Abrau - Durso. It affected much the  development of vineyard  and wine making in  Kuban.  
    In 1881 the wines produced in Black sea area were represented at Yalta exibition.  This  first wine from vineyards of Black sea area was thoroughlly examined. And it  showed fine  quality.
    In 1883 wine Risling from Abrau-Durso was represented at an Internation exibition  in  Chikago. In 1884 the red and white wines from Abrau-Durso won the gold medal  at the  wine exibition in Yalta.
    In 1900 the second congress of vineyard owners took place in Novorossiisk. And  in  1901 the vinedressers and winemakers association was founded in the Black sea  area. In  1906 it opened its own shops in Moscow, Ekaterinodar, Stavropol, Odessa,  Rostov - on-  Don, Kharkov, Vladivostok, Omsk, Sankt - Petersburg, Pavlodar.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.





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