Wine Kuban

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                   The history of wine making on the South of Russia

    In ancient times vineyard and wine making on the Black sea coasts had its period of  bloom and decay connected with the history of development of city - states.  Nevertheless  after destroyment and disappearance of Greek settlements on the  territory of Anapa and  Taman region in the third century of our time the art of  preparing wonderful wines did not  disappear.
    In the 18 th century Kuban and Black sea areas were being inhabited by  Russians. The  new stage in the development of wine making starts. The vine is being  brought by 2 main  streams of settlers. In the Eastern steep regions of Kuban the  military  settlers from Don  and other places of Central Russia founded their villages.  They brought  with them vine  grown on Don - river coasts.
    The Black sea kazaks inhabited the South - West of Black and Azov sea areas and  Central steep regions of nowadays Krasnodarskii krai. The motherland of their vines is  coasts of Dnepr - river and the mouth of Dunai - river.
    In  the 18th century vineyard and wine making did not develop widely due to constant  Caucasus war. The vine requires patience and attention and kazaks were military people  and fought more than ploughed soil.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.







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