Wine Kuban

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        Taman wine plants

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                                    Taman wine plants.

    The cognac wine materials are received from different white sorts of grape. And the only  material used is the one after the first pressing. There is a strick quality control. Innitially it is  estimated by the master who works on the unit. Then the alcohol is tested in a laboratory.
    After the laboratory control the cognac alcohol is transported for storage. Most of the  alcohol is matured in oak barrels. The rest alcohol is matured in enamel tanks the inner  surface of which is made of oak. The collectional cognac is made only of alcohols which  were matured in barrels. The alcohols matured in anemal tanks are used for making brendy.     Barrels with cognac alcohol are being kept in special buildings with the necessary  temperature and humidity. Unfortunatly there are no wine cellars on this plant yet. But the  workers do their best to keep the necessary temperature conditions. After the process of  maturing they start to change the colour of cognac alcohol to more light one.
    A few words about "Temruk" cognac itself. "Temruk" possesses a special cognac  bouquet  with flower vanilla tones. We must especially outline the flower bouquet of the  drink. Taman  is the place where Kuban steep meets with the sea. The flowers of Taman are  the flowers of  steeps together with the flowers of coasts. It is surprising but it is still a fact  that scents of the  blooming Taman meadows are really easily distinguished in "Temruk"  cognac bouquet. Its  unique qualities are confirmed by 6 rewards at the important  International and regional  competitions.

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  Krasnodarskii krai is the southern  region of modern Russia.
  Kuban is the North - Eastern part  of Krasnodarskii krai.








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